Barbara K. Opalinski, J.D.


Barbara a bâti sa pratique juridique dans le seul but d’aider les personnes blessées et leurs familles. Son engagement envers la qualité est sans précédent. Vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que Barbara vous aide à naviguer dans le système juridique et à lutter sans relâche en tant que votre avocate.

Dans la salle d’audience, Barbara est une plaideuse agressive. Elle a comparu à tous les niveaux des tribunaux de l’Ontario, y compris la Cour supérieure de justice, la Cour de justice de l’Ontario, la Cour divisionnaire et la Cour d’appel. Barbara a également comparu devant divers conseils et tribunaux, notamment le Tribunal des droits de la personne, la Commission des services financiers de l’Ontario, le Tribunal d’appel en matière de permis, la Commission d’indemnisation des criminels et bien d’autres.

Ses principaux domaines d’expertise sont les accidents de voiture, les demandes d’indemnités d’accident, les glissades et les chutes, les accidents de piétons et de cyclistes, les invalidités de courte et de longue durée, les accidents mortels, les décès injustifiés et autres blessures corporelles.

Associations Et Organisations Professionnelles

Barbara Opalinski
Extension : 101

Nicolas Sannier
Executive Director
Extension : 102
Nicolas is the Executive Director at Opalinski Law. He holds a Master's Degree in International Business Management and has a diverse background in Management, IT, Marketing and Accounting. Nicolas oversees the various operations at Opalinski Law and leverage his international and professional experience to ensure Opalinski Law provides the most excellent services to clients. He is a member of The Law Office Management Association (TLOMA) and Toronto Product Management Association (TPMA). Outside of work, Nicolas enjoys cooking French cuisine, playing chess and visiting friends and family at home and abroad.

Gabriela Bozek
Law Clerk - Tort
Extension : 106
Gabriela joined Opalinski Law in 2020. She has over a decade of experience in the customer service industry and has taken her skills and combined it with her legal education. Gabriela holds a degree in the Bachelor of Arts, with a Major in Law, from Carleton University and a Paralegal Diploma with Honors, from Seneca College. Gabriela is a Tort Clerk and assists with scheduling, drafting, legal research, and most importantly assisting our clients and keeping them up to date. Gabriela enjoys travelling, and spending time with family and friends.

Ciara Weber
Paralegal - Accident Benefits
Extension : 107
Ciara is a Paralegal at Opalinski Law in the area of Accident Benefits. She helps arrange rehabilitative treatments to address our clients’ injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. Ciara holds a degree in the Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto, a Paralegal Diploma with Honors, from Seneca College and became a licensed Paralegal in May of 2021. Ciara is motivated towards helping others navigate their legal rights within the legal field. Outside of work Ciara enjoys spending time outdoors with friends and family.

Gabriela Gubala
Legal Assistant
Extension : 108

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